Lice Clinics of America – Upstate New York

Lice Clinics of America®- Lice Prevention and Treatment for Summer Camp

Lice Clinics of America®- Upstate New York Provides Tips on How To Prevent Head Lice at Summer Camp

Ugh, head lice. Just thinking about them can put a damper on summer camp excitement. But fear not, fellow parents! Lice Clinics of America – Upstate New York (Buffalo, Rochester & Syracuse locations) has you covered. Here are some expert tips from Marnie, the clinic owner in Upstate NY, to help you avoid an unwelcome lice surprise after camp:

Camp Chaos & Lice Risk

Summer camps are prime breeding grounds for lice. Why? Kids are in close quarters 24/7 – eating, sleeping, playing – which creates tons of hair-to-hair contact, the perfect way for lice to spread. As Marnie says, “Prevention is key!”

How Lice Spread (and How to Stop Them)

Head lice don’t fly or jump. They crawl, and their preferred mode of transportation is hair-to-hair contact. Sharing hats, brushes, or playing close together all create opportunities for lice to hitch a ride.

Winning the Lice War: Pre-Camp Prep

So, what can you do to lice-proof your camper? Here are Marnie’s top tips:

  1. Encourage children to avoid head to head contact with other kids. If they have had head lice in the past, they’ll know what having head lice is like and want to prevent it from happening again.
  2. Keep girls’ hair (or boys with long hair) pulled back in braids or buns. Short or tightly bound hair reduces the risk of hair-to-hair contact.
  3. Discourage kids from sharing combs or brushes.
  4. Schedule a head lice screening for your child by a head-lice professional before and after camp to make sure your child isn’t bringing head lice to camp in the first place. Lice can be difficult to detect by the untrained eye. After camp, a head lice screening is important because early detection can make treatment faster and easier, and prevent the spread of head lice at home.
  5. Use a preventive product before and during camp. If your child is going to camp longer than one week, make sure there’s enough product to last.
  6. Check with your child’s camp to see if they have a lice policy. Some camps check all campers upon arrival while others send kids home when they are found to have head lice. Make sure you know what you’re signing up for!

Discovered lice after that exciting camp adventure? Breathe easy! There are fast and effective treatments available.

Lice Clinics of America: Your Lice Removal Partner

Lice Clinics of America (LCA), the world’s largest network of lice treatment centers, is here to help. We offer a revolutionary solution called the AirAllé® device. This FDA-cleared technology utilizes warm air to dehydrate lice and eggs (nits) at all stages, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals.

Why Choose AirAllé®?

Don’t Settle for Less Than the Best

Don’t waste time on ineffective lice treatments. At LCA, we understand the urgency of getting rid of lice. That’s why we offer same-day appointments using the AirAllé® device. Our clinics are conveniently located nationwide, so you’re never far from getting the help you need.

Lice Clinics of America: Because conquering lice shouldn’t take weeks.

Stay tuned for our next blog where we explore at-home lice treatment options! To learn more or to find a clinic near you, visit

BUFFALO LICE CLINIC (716) 221-8207

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